Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Jakki Cunningham, our much loved president

Jakki Cunningham, President and founder of SLL, the Sète-Lorient-London charity, died on 22 October 2016 following several months of illness. Sadly missed by her family, friends and supporters. Her legacy lives on in all the RDA centres, the donated horses and the young people she helped and believed in. The Caravan of Hope project and ride planned for 2017 will no longer take place.
The horses purchased by SLL for the CofH 2017 are being donated to RDA and equitherapy centres in England and France, as planned, but without being ridden to their new homes. The carriages and equipment will also be reused or donated.

The future of the charity is uncertain; volunteers will continue to monitor the horses previously donated,  and Fred continues to work with the Breton horses and disadvantaged youngsters, as well as equitherapy groups, in Brittany.

The charity associations known as SLL, in England and in France, are being closed down and the website www.sllassoc.com will disappear, but we can still be contacted through the Facebook page.

This blog tells the story in diary form of the last Caravan of Hope in 2012, in Jakki's own words. 

An amazing lady, who had a dream, and made it happen, enriching the lives of many people and helping others. She adored the horses, she always tried to do the best thing, she loved and tried (not always with success) to help the people in her team, and was an inspiration to many.

Jakki with Printemps & Princesse London September 2012 Photo by Ki Price  


  1. Hope that everything will gonna be okay for the coming fundraising next year. May God help us especially this event to become successful. God knows that it will help a lot of people. :)

    Thanks for the update!
    Nicolas, Volunteer in the Philippines / Blogger / Writer
